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Welcome to Foxgloves

Be the best you can be

Our class teachers are Mrs Weaver (Mon-Wed) and Miss Wilson (Thurs-Fri). There are 25 of us in the class.

  • Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday with Mr Yates. Please remember to arrive in suitable P.E. kit for these days.
  • Please make sure any school uniform is labelled clearly.
  • Children should also bring a labelled water bottle every day.

Homework Expectations

All passwords for online homework should be in your child's reading record books.

  • Spelling homework is set every week. Our spelling quizzes are every Thursday.
  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPAG) homework and maths homework are set on a two-week cycle. One week, SPAG homework will be set online on The alternate week will be set on We anticipate children spend at least a minimum of 30 minutes on this. 
  • Times tables should also be completed on 'Times Tables Rock Stars' (TTRS), at least 15 minutes per week.
  • We expect children to be reading at home at least 3 times a week and signed by a parent/carer in your child's reading record book.

June 2024

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June 2024